Having this information available and updated regularly will help your St. Louis sedation dentist paint a better picture of your overall health and give you the best treatment option for your oral health.
Sedation dentistry keeps patients calm enough to receive needed treatment safely and with no discomfort. Sedation is used during long and complex procedures, or when treating patients with dental anxiety, children, seniors or people with certain disabilities.

While sedation has certain associated risks, its benefits generally outweigh them in most cases. Moreover, the doctors are prepared to stabilize the patient in case something falls out of the expected parameters.
During preliminary talk, your St. Louis sedation dentist will want to hear about your medical history before deciding what type of sedation best fits your case best. Here is what your doctor needs to know.
Medications You Are on
Keep a list of all the medications you are on at the moment and present it to your doctor during your preliminary consultation. Even if you have recently interrupted a treatment, mention that to your dentist, as you might still have the active substance in your system.
Other Special Conditions
Besides the medication you are taking, it is important for the dentist to know if you have any condition that could interfere with the treatment. For example, if you are trying to have a baby, make sure to mention a possible pregnancy to your dentist, especially before getting sedation dentistry, as not all forms of sedation are safe for pregnant women.
Other conditions that are relevant to your dentist are related to major surgery, respiratory conditions, allergies, heart conditions, etc. If you are currently receiving treatment for something, it is not a bad idea to mention it to your dentist, especially if you are scheduled for a more complex dental procedure.
Other Mentions
If you think that any health mention would have an impact on your dental treatment, mention it. This may include medication you are taking (including plasters with active substances, ointments or inhaled substances,) chronic conditions like asthma or epilepsy, drugs you have taken recently, smoking, and so on. Some may seem irrelevant to a dentist visit, but oral health is connected to your overall health. Therefore, it is important for your dentist to have an updated medical archive.
Having this information available and updated regularly will help your St. Louis sedation dentist paint a better picture of your overall health and give you the best treatment option for your oral health. This practice can avoid dangerous combinations of medication, and can help your dentist diagnose you better.