Snoring & Sleep Apnea Dentist
If you have snoring or sleep apnea problems that you want to find a solution for, The Dental Anesthesia Center in St. Louis is here to help.
If you find that your sleep is being constantly interrupted by problems with snoring or sleep apnea, you may also be seeing that your mood during day-to-day operations and overall health are being negatively impacted too. The Dental Anesthesia Center is here to help.

For over 30 years, our team at the Dental Anesthesia Center has been using cutting-edge technology and top-of-the-line sleep dentistry to help all kinds of patients improve their oral health, which in turn improves their overall health. For patients with snoring or sleep apnea in St. Louis, we have solutions to help stop snoring.
Whether you are struggling due to poor sleep, low energy, daytime sleepiness, or just looking to cut back on your snoring not negatively impacting the rest of your loved ones, we have many different solutions that can help.
Understanding Sleep Apnea
It is essential to understand that snoring is very common among patients who suffer from sleep apnea, though not all patients who snore have sleep apnea.
We can better understand sleep apnea by dividing it into two main types:
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea: This is the most common form of sleep apnea, and is due to blocked airflow during sleep. Typically, the soft tissue at the back of the throat will collapse during sleep, though there are many other factors, such as obesity, which can contribute as well.
- Central Sleep Apnea: This type of sleep apnea is due to a miscommunication between the breathing muscles and the brain signals. In this case, the airway is not blocked, but instead, the brain cannot properly signal the muscles to breathe. Brain infections, brain tumors, stroke, and heart failure, are conditions that can occur with central sleep apnea.
Who Struggles With Sleep Apnea?
Sleep apnea is a condition that can affect any person at any age, though studies have shown that it is more likely for men to develop it. Some other common characteristics of sleep apnea patients include:
- Overweight
- 40+ Years Old
- Large Tongue, Small Jaw, or Large Tonsils
- Nasal Obstructions (Deviated Septums or Allergy Problems)
Struggling With Snoring And Sleep Apnea in St. Louis
Did you know that over 30% of adults over 30 are regular snorers?
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With millions of people around the United States struggling with snoring, you should never feel alone. It would help if you understood that snoring could significantly affect your sleep, which is essential to good health.
Sleep allows the body and mind to restore, recharge, and heal. In doing so, good sleep can also allow you to live your life more fully. Snoring and sleep apnea are common disorders where patients experience interrupted sleep due to stopping breathing throughout the night.
Not only can this negatively impact your overall health, leading to mental and physical issues, it can also increase the overall chance of chronic health problems, including high blood pressure, heart problems, and stroke.
This is why it is vital to get your sleep apnea or snoring problems sorted out right away. We recommend getting in contact with The Dental Anesthesia Center today.
Snoring and Sleep Apnea Treatment in St. Louis
Some patients can treat their sleep apnea by adjusting their sleeping habits, such as not sleeping on their backs. Others might need devices such as CPAPs (Continuous Positive Air Pressure) devices, which help supply air through the nasal passages during sleep.
Some might require oral appliances to help support the jaw and shift it away from the airways to help prevent collapsing. These are best for patients with moderate cases.
If you have snoring or sleep apnea problems that you want to find a solution for, The Dental Anesthesia Center in St. Louis is here to help. Contact us at (314) 862-7844 to schedule an initial visit. We look forward to meeting you and working to provide you with better sleep!
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The only board-certified dental anesthesiologist in Missouri, including St. Louis.