Knowing when to seek emergency dental treatment and knowing where to turn for help is essential. Contact The Dental Anesthesia Center if you have questions or concerns about your broken tooth.
A broken or cracked tooth is a common dental problem. However, when someone breaks their tooth, they’re often unsure what to do. Is a broken tooth considered an emergency?

When to Get Emergency Treatment
A broken tooth often warrants an emergency dental visit. Tooth fractures are one of the most common dental emergencies. However, while broken teeth are a serious situation, there are some types of tooth fractures that are considered non-emergencies.
Minor fractures or chipped teeth do not require immediate dental care. When there is no immediate threat to your health or well-being, scheduling a regular dentist appointment is adequate.
A major tooth fracture does warrant immediate dental treatment. A significant fracture is when a large chunk of the tooth is gone. Trauma to the face when playing a sport, slipping and falling, or being involved in a car accident can warrant emergency treatment. You need emergency dental care when a broken tooth causes severe pain or bleeding.
What to Do if You Break a Tooth
If you or your loved one has broken a tooth, there are some things you should do immediately. Rinse your mouth with warm water and apply pressure to stop any bleeding. Apply an ice pack to reduce swelling. If your tooth is completely knocked out, rinse it under water. Hold the tooth only by the crown or the part you usually see above the gum line, not by the root. If you can, put the tooth back into the socket while you travel to the dentist, or put it in mild salt water or milk. Don’t let the tooth become dry because this can lead to damage. Once you get to the office, the dentist will determine whether the tooth can be saved or needs to be replaced.
Contact The Dental Anesthesia Center
A broken tooth may not always be an emergency, but you should contact our office if you have any questions or concerns about a broken tooth. While it may only be a cosmetic problem at first, you may experience further damage to your tooth and mouth if left too long without treatment.
At The Dental Anesthesia Center, we value our patient relationships, making it our priority to deliver the gentle dental care you deserve from sedation dentists in St. Louis. We work hard to make you feel at ease by providing exceptional patient care in a relaxed, convenient atmosphere. We strive to develop lifelong relationships with our patients by combining the latest dental technology with a professional and compassionate team.
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