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Teen Teeth Troubles: Uncovering 5 Major Dental Concerns

Dental Concerns for Teens

By understanding common dental concerns and taking proactive measures, teenagers can pave the way for a lifetime of healthy smiles. Adolescence is a phase marked by rapid growth and change. This period of transformation is not only limited to one’s emotions and intellect but extends to physical aspects. Among the numerous changes and concerns, dental …

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Updated: September 22, 2023

The Unseen Power of Mouthwash – Does It Really Work?

Should I Use Mouthwash

Mouthwash can be a powerful ally in preserving oral health when used correctly and as part of a balanced oral hygiene regimen. Mouthwash, an integral part of oral hygiene for many, is often reserved in our daily dental care ritual. For some, it’s the refreshing kickstart to their day, while for others, it’s the reassuring …

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Updated: September 22, 2023

What Does Flossing Do?


Flossing removes plaque and food particles from between teeth and gums, preventing cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. It’s essential for optimal oral health. In the world of dental health, we often hear about the importance of brushing our teeth twice a day. But there’s another key component to maintaining a healthy mouth that often …

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Cavity Care 101: The Role of Cavity Fillings in Dental Care

Dental Filling for a Cavity

Getting your cavities filled is crucial for your oral health and overall quality of life. Maintaining good oral health is an essential aspect of overall well-being. One common issue that individuals often face is cavities, also known as dental caries. Cavities can develop due to poor oral hygiene, dietary habits, or genetic factors. If you …

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Updated: August 17, 2023

What is a General Dentist?


A general dentist provides comprehensive dental care, from regular check-ups to treatments, ensuring overall oral health and well-being. General dentistry serves as the foundational pillar of dental care. It provides various services, all focused on maintaining, improving, and rectifying our oral health. Beyond the aesthetics of a radiant smile, this branch of dentistry plays a …

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What Is the Number One Reason People Avoid Dental Care?

Dental Exam St. Louis

Taking care of your teeth with routine exams and maintenance can help prevent the need for expensive dental treatments down the line. According to the American Dental Association, cost is the number one reason people avoid going to the dentist. However, most patients don’t realize that postponing dental care can cost more money in the …

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Updated: August 1, 2023