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Dangers of Untreated Gum Disease – What You Need to Know


There are a number of health issues associated with untreated gum disease. Schedule an appointment to treat any symptoms.

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is a prevalent problem for nearly 50% of adults aged 30 years and older. Over the age of 65, gum disease increases as much as 70%. Therefore, gum disease is a serious public health problem that shouldn’t be ignored.

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with periodontal disease, it’s good to know that it’s easily treatable in its early stages. However, it can lead to other issues that affect more than your oral health when left untreated. Untreated gum disease can affect your overall health.

What Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is an infection of the gums that, left untreated, will eventually spread to the bones connected to the support and functionality of your teeth. Unfortunately, gum disease is a condition that can develop undetected until it is bad enough to show visible symptoms. The obvious signs of periodontal disease are red, swollen gums, bleeding while brushing your teeth, flossing or eating hard food, bad breath, and receding gums.

Causes for Gum Disease

Gingivitis, or gum disease, starts when food traces get stuck between the teeth or gums and teeth and solidify in a layer called dental plaque. If plaque is not removed soon after forming by brushing and flossing your teeth, it becomes harder and harder, eventually getting so stuck that only a professional cleaning at the dentist will remove it. This hardened plaque is called tartar.

Your gums can and will be irritated by plaque and tartar and will react by swelling, getting red, bleeding, and eventually receding, leaving a big part of the tooth exposed. Gingivitis can lead to tooth loss if left untreated.

Dangers of Untreated Gum Disease

When gum disease progresses, it can cause gaps in your teeth, receding gums, mouth sores, sensitive teeth, chronic bad breath, and tooth loss. There is also a link between gum disease and health issues like heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and others.

Contact the Dental Anesthesia Center

Schedule an appointment with the Dental Anesthesia Center today if you suspect any signs of plaque or tartar build-up on your teeth. That way, you can protect your overall health and have a perfect set of pearly whites.

Call Us Today

The only board-certified dental anesthesiologist in Missouri, including St. Louis.

Updated: August 31, 2023

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