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5 Dental Procedures That Generally Require Sedation


Here are some of the most common dental procedures that may require dental sedation.

To this day, despite all the medical technology designed to make treatments less invasive, fear of the dentist remains among many people. Whether it’s a traumatic experience from childhood or an unrealistic and exaggerated portrayal of dentists in our culture, many people are fearful about going to the dentist.

dental procedures sedation

As irrational as it may be at times, fear of the dentist can have many consequences on your oral health. Not going for your regular checkups might cause simple problems, such as plaque to take a turn for the worst, which may require complex and extensive procedures. It’s a vicious circle: you avoid seeing the dentist because you are afraid, but this exacerbated fear might be the thing that could affect your oral health and require multiple visits.

Sedating patients before procedures that involve pain or strange sensations could be a solution.

How Does Sedation Work?

Your St. Louis sedation dentist will use a drug or mix of drugs that allow you to remain conscious during the procedures but keeps you relaxed and calm so that you won’t get overwhelmed by stress and fear and interrupt the treatment. That allows the dental practitioner to treat you properly, even when it requires invasive procedures that take a lot of time to perform.

Make sure to talk with your sedation dentist and decide which anesthetic is best suited for your treatment and medical history.

Procedures That Generally Require Sedation

While sedation dentistry can make any fearful patient’s visit to the dentist better, it is generally recommended for invasive treatments. Procedures that take a long time and require the patient to be still are significantly shortened with the help of an anesthetic.

Here are some of the most common dental procedures that may require dental sedation.

Wisdom Tooth Removal

Because they erupt later in life and are often pushed in strange positions by the other teeth, wisdom teeth often need to be extracted. The removal can be quite difficult, especially when dealing with a “hidden” wisdom tooth, so the dentist might suggest sedation for a less traumatic treatment session.

Dental Implants

Losing your teeth can be a hard thing to cope with, whether it happens over a long time or is caused by an injury. Sedation can help a lot during the dental implant procedure, making it seem shorter and relaxing than it is.

Jaw Surgery

While it is definitely not a routine procedure, jaw surgery might be needed in some instances to treat various conditions, such as sleep apnea or a congenital jaw misalignment. Because it takes a long time to perform, it’s best to be done with sedation.

Bone Grafting

If your dentures don’t fit well enough, it will feel very uncomfortable or painful. Often, bone grafting is needed to align the dentures, and sedation greatly improves the comfort of the patient.

Emergency Dental Treatment

You are most likely still under shock or in a great amount of pain when receiving emergency dental treatment. Sedating will help you remain calm and still during the treatment.

As you can see, there are quite a few situations that may require sedation. It will help the dentist do his work uninterrupted, while the patient feels so relaxed that he often falls asleep during the treatment. Give us a call today at (314) 862-7844 and see if sedation dentistry is right for you!

Updated: March 25, 2022

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