Prevent a number of potential oral health problems by protecting your child’s tooth enamel.
Tooth enamel is the most important line of defense for our teeth. Erosion can weaken and expose them to decay and other problems. Oral hygiene is paramount for our children as it can impact not only the appearance of their teeth but their health and alignment as well. So, creating good dental habits from an early age will benefit them in the long term, even if their pearly whites are only temporary for now.
If their baby teeth begin to show signs of oral disease, it is crucial to get treatment right away. Some parents think that it is better to avoid putting their children through scary dentist treatments since their teeth will be replaced anyway. However, the health of baby teeth will influence the health of permanent teeth. Plus, it’s essential to get children used to the dental office and be comfortable when they get their regular check-ups with their St. Louis pediatric dentist.

Of course, the ideal approach to oral health is to prevent problems, since the dental tissue doesn’t regenerate like other parts of our body do.
Let’s see what you can do to protect your child’s enamel and prevent a large number of potential oral health problems.
Brush and Floss at Least Twice a Day
Focus on creating a good habit in your child’s daily routine by getting them used to brushing their teeth and flossing every day, at least in the morning and evening.
Start cleaning their teeth the moment the very first tooth erupts and clean them with a cloth or a silicone brush for babies. As their teeth emerge from the gums and they can better hold and use the brush, you can let them brush themselves. You should generally brush their teeth yourself up until they are around three years old to make sure it’s done correctly.
You can also introduce them early to the dental clinic and have a St. Louis pediatrist dentist chat with them and explain with patience and empathy how treatment will be administered and what preventive measures they should take.
Rinse with Water after Every Meal and Snack
An excellent habit that you can include in your child’s hygiene routine is rinsing their mouth with water after every meal they have.
Doing this straightforward thing will efficiently prevent enamel erosion by flushing away acids and food debris that could damage the teeth if it lingers in the mouth for too long. It is also quick and simple to do, so your child will be less likely to protest.
Avoid Foods and Drinks That Are Damaging to the Enamel
Some foods and drinks are really bad for your child’s teeth, and unfortunately, they are often some of the favorites ones of the little ones.
As you may have guessed by now, the biggest culprits are sweets. Candies like toffee or caramel that sticks to their teeth are the most damaging ones, but they aren’t the only sweets that you should avoid.
Fruit juices and soda are also very bad for your child’s teeth, as they are both sweet and acidic. Try to limit or eliminate them from your child’s diet, as they generally provide little, if any nutritional value. It’s better to give your child fruit as it may help them exercise their chewing muscles, get their necessary fiber intake, limit the sugars that are ingested and clean up their teeth rather than destroying them.
Other than the three measures presented above, you can help your child’s oral health by being involved in their oral hygiene, always insist that they clean their teeth and make the dental office a friendly and safe place for them.