The following are some of the most common mistakes patients make before getting dental work.
Many people get a lot of things wrong about dentistry. Some avoid going to the dentist because they are afraid of pain. Sure, some procedures might be uncomfortable, but we have the means to ease your pain and help you relax. A discussion with a St. Louis sedation dentist could help you understand better what most dental procedures entail. On the other hand, some patients postpone getting routine work on their teeth thinking that it’s too expensive.
The following are some of the most common mistakes patients make before getting dental work.

Avoiding the Dentist Because They Don’t Know What They Need
One of the most common reasons patients give us for postponing dental work is the idea that the treatment will take too long and they don’t have the time to accommodate it in their busy schedules. Yes, some procedures can take longer than others, but you can create a flexible plan with your dentist and a timeframe for each procedure so that you know what to expect.
Thinking That They Can’t Afford the Cost of Treatment
A lot of people avoid routine checks thinking that dental care is too expensive for them to afford it. But, think about it this way: if you postpone treating a small cavity and it turns into an abscess, then you will have to pay more for that procedure if you would have fixed the problem the moment you noticed it.
Routine checks and regular maintenance will not only help you keep your teeth healthy but also reduce the cost of treatment.
Avoiding the Dentist after a Bad Experience
Maybe you had a bad experience that determined your fear of the dentist or maybe you’ve heard about someone’s traumatic day in the dentist’s chair and now you are afraid that the same thing will happen to you. Regardless of the reason, know that the tools and options available today can make your visit as comfortable as possible. Talk with your St. Louis sedation dentist about your fear and learn how he can ease your anxiety and help you get the treatment you need.
Exaggerating the Risks of Dental Treatment
Some procedures come with a few risks, such as respiratory distress. However, if you were to weigh the risks versus the benefits these dental procedures entail, then you would see that avoiding treatment is unnecessary. Even if things go wrong, the medical staff is ready to intervene and take proper care of you. Make sure to discuss the benefits, risks, and implications of dental treatment with your dentist and make an educated decision.
St. Louis Dentistry
Not very many people would say they are comfortable in the dentist’s chair. However, being informed and understanding how the procedure will unfold might help you feel a bit in controlling and easing your anxiety. Make an appointment today to learn more about what you can expect. Give us a call at (314) 862-7844