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What Are the Different Types of Tooth Discoloration?


While whitening products are a popular stain removal option, the best stain treatment option is visiting a professional dentist.

Did you know that stains are the main reason why teeth lose their natural brightness? Stains cause teeth discoloration, categorized as extrinsic discoloration, intrinsic discoloration, and white spots. Below, we’ll discuss the different types of stains, their causes, and the best way to treat them.

1. Intrinsic Tooth Discoloration

Intrinsic tooth discoloration, also commonly referred to as dentin, occurs in the inner side of the tooth. Dentin can arise due to different factors, including diseases, medication, or treatment.

Tooth decay and gum diseases are some of the diseases that can hinder the normal development of your teeth’ white surface, leading to intrinsic stains. Additionally, chemicals and drugs such as fluoride and tetracycline antibiotics also cause intrinsic discoloration. Drugs used in the treatment of head radiation and chemotherapy can also lead to intrinsic discoloration. Dental trauma is another cause of this type of discoloration.

While intrinsic tooth discoloration is common, they’re a bit challenging to remove using teeth whitening products. Therefore, you should not remove this type of stain yourself. The stains are ingrained in the tooth’s structure, and any unprofessional whitening process can cause more damage to your teeth. Instead, seek the guidance of dental specialists at the Anesthesia Center on the right treatment for your condition.

2. Extrinsic Stains

Extrinsic discoloration affects the outermost layer of your tooth or the enamel. This discoloration is usually caused by the frequent consumption of food and drinks with a high concentration of dark elements such as tannin. For example, coffee, red wine, blackberries, and other dark-colored foods have dark elements that end up trapped in the crevices of your teeth.

Excessive use of tobacco is another thing that can lead to extrinsic stains. Smoking and chewing tobacco products discolors your teeth and make them turn yellow or brown. Therefore, it is important to reduce the intake of cigarettes and other related products and seek professional dental services for extrinsic stain removal.

3. White Spots

White spots indicate teeth corrosion due to high acidity or high concentration of bacteria in the mouth. White spots are common on the tooth’s surface, and they appear curved compared to the shape of the other teeth. Other common causes of white spots are gum infections, vitamin deficiencies, and accumulation of bacterial plaque.

What Treatment Options Are Available to Whiten Teeth?

While whitening products are a popular stain removal option, the best stain treatment option is visiting a professional dentist. A visit to a dentist will help rebuild your tooth structure, clear stains and safely brighten your teeth. It will also prevent gum disease or early tooth loss.

We Can Help Fix Your Tooth Discoloration Problem

Do you have discolored teeth? At the Dental Anesthesia Center, we treat different types of teeth discoloration and help our clients maintain their bright smiles. Give us a call today to schedule your next dental check-up.

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The only board-certified dental anesthesiologist in Missouri, including St. Louis.

Updated: August 31, 2023

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