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The Effects of Poor-Fitting Dentures


The only way to avoid the above issues is by making sure your dentures fit correctly. Make sure you find the right dentist for your denture installation for correct denture fitting.

Few things are as pleasing to the eyes as perfectly fitting dentures that work in concert to give you a picture-perfect smile. However, the opposite is true – poor-fitting dentures are odd-looking and detrimental to your oral health.

Your dentists should ensure your dentures fit snugly on your gums. Otherwise, they could lead to a host of problems that beat the point of having dentures in the first place. You should be worried if your dentures don’t fit as they should.

1. Discomfort

Remember, dentures act as replacements for your actual teeth. If they don’t fit as they should, they could lead to extreme discomfort. Discomfort happens when the denture slips and chafe with the gums. Prolonged chafing could lead to sore and inflamed gums. In severe cases, blisters could form on the gums.

Perfectly-fitting dentures should feel as natural as your teeth. Any slight discomfort is indicative that your dentures don’t fit correctly. Schedule a dentist appointment ASAP to address the problem.

2. Impaired Speech

Teeth form a crucial part of your vocalization. Unfortunately, it’s not until you lose a few teeth that you realize how important they are for speaking. Getting dentures can help you improve your speech problems, but only if they fit perfectly.

When dentures slip and move around while you speak, they can hinder your ability to speak. This can disrupt regular communication and is an inconvenience. If ill-fitting dentures compromise your ability to interact and socialize with others, it’s high time you see a dentist.

3. Pain Around the Jaw

Sticking with ill-fitting dentures for a long time could lead to pain around the jaw area. This pain could radiate to your ears and sometimes lead to headaches. In severe cases, the pain results in Tempo-Mandibular Joint Disorders.

You can ignore the pain during the first stages, but the pain can become unbearable over time. Therefore, you need to schedule an appointment with your dentist to address the issue once and for all.

4. Malnutrition

Eating your favorite meal is hard to do with loose-fitting dentures. Dentures that don’t fit correctly could preclude your normal eating. This could potentially cause malnutrition, which is detrimental to your health.

Proper nutrition is crucial for a healthy and fruitful life. However, this can be hard to achieve if your dentures prevent you from chewing your food correctly. If you’re having eating problems because of your dentures, arrange to have them fixed.

Make Sure Your Dentures Fit Correctly

The only way to avoid the above issues is by making sure your dentures fit correctly. Make sure you find the right dentist for your denture installation for correct denture fitting. Contact The Dental Anesthesia Center today for professional and practical denture fitting.

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The only board-certified dental anesthesiologist in Missouri, including St. Louis.

Updated: August 31, 2023

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