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How Prolonged Thumb-Sucking Can Be Detrimental to a Child’s Oral Health

Thumb Sucking Effects

Unfortunately, thumb-sucking can negativly affect on your child’s oral health, particularly teeth development. Thumb-sucking seems like a harmless habit common in most children, especially below the age of 7. Between 75% to 95% of all infants suck their thumb, but sometimes the habit may spill into adulthood. In case you didn’t know, thumb-sucking is an …

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Updated: August 31, 2023

Is Thumb-Sucking Really Bad for Your Child’s Teeth?

Pediatric Dentist St Louis

For a child who uses their thumb constantly to find comfort, dental problems might be significant enough to cause concern. Every parent who has a thumb-sucker has felt the sting of someone reminding them that their child’s habit is going to come back to bite them  – no pun intended. So, is it an old …

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Updated: January 18, 2019