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Why Are Dental Sealants So Important and What is the Process?

What Are Dental Sealants

Even with regular brushing and flossing, some people can’t seem to sidestep cavities regardless of how disciplined they are with their oral hygiene regimen. Proper oral hygiene and dental habits are imperative for strong, healthy teeth and gums. That’s why dentists recommend brushing and flossing your teeth twice every day or after every meal. Unfortunately, …

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Updated: August 31, 2023

What Are Dental Sealants and How Do They Work?

What are dental sealants?

Sealants are not a substitute for brushing and flossing, but they do help keep cavities from forming. Brushing and flossing are indeed the best ways to prevent cavities, but it’s not always easy to get every little crevice and crack of your teeth. This is especially true of your molars. Our molars are uneven and …

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Updated: February 6, 2024

How Sealants Can Help Your Children Avoid Cavities

Dental Sealants St. Louis

We are a full-service dental practice providing care to various patients for all of their dental needs. If you have young children, you might want to look into getting sealants for them. The reason is that this treatment is incredibly successful when it comes to cavity prevention and general oral health optimization. Below, we provide …

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Updated: November 21, 2022

What are Dental Sealants and Does My Child Need Them?

Pediatric Dentist in St Louis

Dental sealants are a type of dental treatment intended to prevent tooth decay in children. One of the newest things in pediatric dentistry is using something called “dental sealants.” They are supposed to reduce the risk that children’s teeth will succumb to dental cavities. It’s the first line of defense against damage to the teeth. …

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Updated: January 31, 2024