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Special Needs Dentistry: Dental First Aid Checklist for Your Babysitter


Here is a dental first aid checklist that is helpful for parents to go over with their babysitter.

St Louis Pediatric Dentist

For most of us having a reliable and efficient babysitter is a huge asset. However, even the best of babysitters may not know the basics of first aid particularly when it comes to dental injuries.

In this article, we will share a first aid checklist for the babysitter. Make sure you go over the following points with your babysitter before you leave your little ones with them.

Avoid Giving Aspirin

If there is pain or swelling associated with a dental emergency, make sure you do not administer aspirin or any other medications that contain aspirin. Aspirin can cause bleeding. Seek a doctor’s advice before giving any medications.

Tongue or Lip Abrasions

Clean the injured area with a clean and moist cloth, and apply pressure with a cold compress. Give the child a popsicle to gently suck on. It will reduce swelling. If the bleeding does not stop, seek medical attention immediately.

Chipped or Broken Tooth

Rinse the mouth with warm water, and use a cold compress. Keep the broken piece of tooth in milk, and take it to the dentist’s office.

Object Stuck Between Teeth

If there is something stuck between the teeth, do not try too hard to remove it. Use dental floss to gently remove it. If that does work, call the dentist.


Toothaches are often caused by a tooth infection, decay or a combination of both. If the child is complaining of tooth pain, rinse their mouth with warm water and gently floss between teeth. If pain still persists, call a dentist.

Knocked Out Tooth

Hold the broken tooth by the crown (chewing surface) and if the root is soiled, rinse it with warm water. If there are any tissue fragments, leave them intact. Just place the tooth back into its socket if it is not too painful, and hold it in its right place. If you cannot do it, keep the tooth in a container of saliva or milk. Take the injured child to a St. Louis pediatric dentist immediately.

Broken Jaw

If a child suffers a broken jaw, he/she will likely suffer pain and facial swelling. Some other symptoms of a broken jaw include difficulty opening the jaw, jaw tightness, abnormality the cheek or jaw, and bleeding. To control swelling, you should apply a cold compress. You can use a bag of frozen vegetables for this. To stabilize the injury, take a towel and wrap it under the jaw, and tie it on the top of the head. Take the child to the emergency room immediately.

St. Louis Pediatric Dentist

There are various other dental injuries that can occur, and it is best to take the child to a St. Louis pediatric dentist immediately. The dentist will discuss all treatment options and provide the best possible care for the child’s injuries.

Call us today to schedule your appointment at (314) 862-7844. We look forward to meeting you!

Updated: March 25, 2022

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