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My Child’s Teeth Have White Spots – Should I Be Concerned?


It is estimated that as many as 30% of all children will be affected by Turner’s tooth.

As a parent, it is easy to worry about every little thing, and when it comes to your child’s teeth, white spots can seem alarming. If you have a child who has clean teeth but you notice spots of lighter white, you might be wondering if they will fade or if they are permanent. And if so, is it your fault? And what can you do about correcting it?

St Louis Pediatric Dentist

What is Turner’s Tooth?

There are cases where your child can develop white spots on their teeth, which are called “Turner’s tooth.” The technical term for Turner’s tooth is hypoplasia, and it is a condition that leads to a reduction in the thickness of the tooth’s enamel in kids. The problem isn’t just cosmetic; it can also lead to tooth sensitivity and make your child’s teeth more susceptible to tooth decay. The worst part is that it leaves a polka-dot appearance on your youngster’s pearly whites.

Turner’s tooth is something that children typically don’t outgrow when their baby teeth fall out. It can affect their adult and permanent teeth. Sometimes seen as white dots, there are times when the dots can appear yellower in nature and stand out more. An infection can cause Turner’s tooth that a child has when they still have their baby teeth. Sometimes, it is the result of trauma to the front teeth caused by the permanent set pushing their way underneath to find a spot and damaging the adult teeth trying to come in. Another cause could be an auto accident or any significant trauma that a child experiences early on. It is estimated that as many as 30% of all children will be affected by Turner’s tooth.

Early Detection is Key

The good news is that Turner’s tooth usually only affects one tooth, and if you notice an infection early on, it is highly preventable. Once noticed, a pediatric dentist can restore the enamel by bonding the tooth with a colored material that will make the child’s tooth blend in with the rest of their set. There are times when fluoride will also help to stave away the effects of Turner’s tooth and stop it from becoming a problem and creating sensitivity in the affected tooth.

If you notice that your child’s permanent teeth are stained or discolored, it is always a good idea to consult a dentist. If they have Turner’s tooth, then it is correctable, and the best way to handle it is through prevention instead of undoing the damage afterward. Regular exams are a great way to monitor it. If your child has had significant physical trauma, then it is an excellent idea to consult a St. Louis pediatric dentist to make sure that the repercussions aren’t lasting and that you can find a way to reverse them.

St. Louis Pediatric Dentistry

Your child’s initial oral examination will include a visual examination, charting, diagnosis, and treatment recommendations. We work hard to make your child feel at ease by providing exceptional patient care in a relaxed, convenient atmosphere. Depending on your child’s circumstances, we will discuss if sedation or anesthesia is right for your child.

Call us today to schedule your appointment at (314) 862-7844. We look forward to meeting you!

Updated: January 12, 2024

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