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How Your Oral Health Can Cause Snoring and What to Do About It


We understand the importance of maintaining good oral health and how it can impact your overall well-being, including snoring.

You may already know that smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and sleeping in certain positions can contribute to snoring. But did you know that your oral health can also cause snoring? That’s right! Your oral health can have a significant impact on your snoring.

At The Dental Anesthesia Center, our team of compassionate and experienced dentists is dedicated to providing the gentle dental care you deserve.

Oral Health and Snoring

Some of the oral health issues that can lead to snoring include:

  • Crowded Teeth – This can cause airway obstruction, which can lead to snoring. This is because when teeth are too close together, they can narrow the air passage and cause the tongue to fall back into the throat, making breathing difficult.
  • Misaligned Jaw – When the jaw is not aligned correctly, it can cause the airway to become constricted, making it harder to breathe. This can cause the soft tissues in the throat to vibrate, leading to snoring.
  • Teeth Grinding – Also known as bruxism, it can lead to snoring. When you grind your teeth, you put pressure on your jaw, which can cause your airway to become constricted. This can make it difficult to breathe correctly, leading to snoring.
  • Missing Teeth – When you have missing teeth, your tongue can fall back into your throat, obstructing the airway and causing snoring.
  • Overly Relaxed Throat Muscles or Enlarged Tissue – Overly relaxed throat muscles or enlarged tissue can also contribute to snoring. When the muscles in your throat are too relaxed, they can collapse and obstruct the airway, causing snoring. Enlarged tissue, such as tonsils or adenoids, can block the airway and lead to snoring.

How to Know if Your Snoring is Due to a Dental Issue

Between dental issues, smoking, drinking alcohol, and sleeping awkwardly, it can be difficult to rule out the leading cause of your snoring. The surest way to know the actual cause of your snoring is by visiting a dentist for a thorough examination.

However, if you suspect you are snoring due to your dental issues, you can look out for these signs: gasping for breath, tooth breakage, swollen gums, or a sore or painful jaw. If you experience any of these symptoms, then it’s inevitable that your oral health causes your snoring.

How to Treat Snoring

The appropriate treatment for snoring will depend on the cause of your snoring. However, some common treatments include using a mouth guard to support your jaw and reduce grinding, removing your wisdom teeth, or having an upper airway surgery.

Contact The Dental Anesthesia Center

At The Dental Anesthesia Center, we understand the importance of maintaining good oral health and how it can impact your overall well-being, including snoring. Our team of compassionate and experienced dentists is dedicated to providing the gentle dental care you deserve. If you’re struggling with chronic snoring or any other dental issue, we’re here to help. Please schedule your appointment today, and let us help you get to the root of the problem.

Updated: February 28, 2023

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