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How to Keep Your Child’s Summer Cavity-Free


Between stubbornness, unhealthy foods, and busy schedules, maintaining your child’s oral health is a tough task.

keep your child cavity free

Keeping your child cavity-free may get a lot tougher in the summer. Not only do children’s schedules get more irregular in the Summer months, but their food choices also suffer. This shouldn’t discourage you, though. With enough careful attention, you can keep your child’s summer healthy and cavity-free. A big part of that is regularly seeing a St. Louis pediatric dentist, while the other part is managing their oral health habits. The four most important practices to adopt are listed below.

Commit to Your Oral Health Routine

When Summer comes around, certain routines seem to go out the window. Your child doesn’t have school, their activities may be different, bedtimes change, and they often sleep at friends’ houses. In times like these, it is vital that you keep your oral health routine precisely the way it has been. No matter where your child is or what they have done that day, make a point of getting them in the bathroom for a full routine of brushing and flossing. That should include 2 minutes of brushing morning and night, flossing at least once per day, and taking extra care when dealing with braces.

Drink Lots of Water

There are a few reasons to increase your child’s water intake. The first has nothing to do with teeth: The weather is hot, and they should be drinking a lot to stay healthy and hydrated. The second is that summer seems to bring out the most sugar-filled drinks like lemonade, Gatorade, and sodas. These are very bad for dental health and should be avoided. Lastly, a dry mouth is a mouth that is vulnerable to cavities. Staying hydrated will keep them at bay.

Don’t Sacrifice Dental Health During Travel

Traveling can be very hectic, and when things get crazy, oral health may tend to get pushed aside. Don’t make this mistake when you take your summer vacation. First, add all of the necessary tools to your packing list so your child will be able to go through their whole routine while on the road. Second, set aside time every night to brush and floss. You don’t have to schedule your entire vacation meticulously, but planning dental care is a smart decision.

Eat Foods That Are Good for Teeth

Unfortunately, many of the classic summer foods and drinks are very bad for teeth. That includes things that are acidic like certain fruits, sugary like sodas, and starchy like potato chips. It is best for your child’s teeth if you replace these snacks with teeth-friendly foods like fibrous vegetables.

When it comes to keeping your child’s oral health in check, summer is the most challenging time of year. It is easy to lose control, but if you do, there will likely be consequences. No kid wants to have a cavity, and no parent wants to pay to get it fixed. You can do your best to avoid this situation by following the four tips listed above.

Call The Dental Anesthesia Center today to schedule your appointment at (314) 862-7844. We look forward to meeting you!

Updated: November 24, 2020

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