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7 Dental Fads You Might Want to Avoid


If you are looking for alternative solutions because of anxiety related to going to the dentist, consider sedation dentistry.

Being on the Internet can easily convince you that wonder products exist and they will change your life. Dental care is no exception. You might have already heard about some of the following practices that are supposed to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful with little cost and usually a little DIY effort.

Some people look for alternative dental solutions because they have anxiety or fear of going to the dentist. Unfortunately, if something seems too good to be true, it usually is. Many of these dental fads are not effective, or are even harmful for your teeth. In addition, relying solely on these techniques may lead to dental problems.

Oil Pulling

An ancient practice in terms of oral care is oil pulling. It involves swishing oil in your mouth for about 20 minutes. The oil is supposed to collect all the bacteria on your teeth and gums, making it easy for you to just flush it afterwards. While oil does remove some of the plaque on your teeth, relying only on oil pulling will eventually lead to gum disease and tooth decay.

Rinsing Your Teeth with Hydrogen Peroxide

In the search of the whitest smile, people try easy at-home remedies, like rinsing their teeth with hydrogen peroxide, a common ingredient in whitening products. This practice can be very harmful in the long-run, weakening the enamel.

Brushing Your Teeth with Activated Charcoal

Often seen on Instagram, this trick can be damaging for your teeth. Using activated charcoal for your teeth corrodes the enamel and will eventually leave your teeth vulnerable to cavities.

Wearing Tooth Grills and Gems

Grills will cause micro cracks and scratches on your teeth, and wearing gems can create breeding places for bacteria.

Using Coconut Oil to Treat Canker Sores

Canker sores can be very annoying, and coconut oil as a remedy seems quite harmless, but it doesn’t really make the healing process faster. If you have persistent sores in your mouth, see a dentist who can evaluate them.

Using Fluoride-Free Toothpaste

Anti-fluoride seems to be part of a wider trend that fights allopathic solutions, but fluoride, besides being present naturally in the environment (in low quantities), is also one of the best ways to prevent cavities.

Brushing Your Teeth with Lemon Juice and Baking Soda

Another dangerous habit is brushing your teeth with lemon, baking soda or a combination of the two. Lemon is highly acidic and baking soda very abrasive, so using the two will result in creating micro-scratches on your enamel, then attacking them with acid.

There’s nothing wrong with trying out some new things if you believe they are good for your health, but doing a little research on these subjects is enough to show you what’s truly effective and what’s only an internet fad.

If you were looking for alternative solutions because of anxiety related to going to the dentist, consider sedation dentistryit is often the best solution to get the much needed dental treatment for patients who don’t like being in the dreaded chair.

Updated: May 31, 2024

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